She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Cell out.

Tonya "Train Wreck" Cooley of MTV Real World fame wants you to know what’s she’s thinking. Or so she claims on her myspace page ( where she has sunk to a new low, whoring herself out to a company called the In Crowd (ironic, given Tonya has never been part of such an inner circle on all of the MTV programming she’s participated in). For what I only imagine is a priceless subscription fee, you can text "COOL1" to 94000 and get text messages back from Tonya herself three times a week. And if you tire of listening to Tonya ramble about her breast implants, how everyone hates her and how she’s really NOT crazy, you can choose from other made-for-MTV-Real World personalities including Trishelle from Las Vegas, Johnny from Key West, Melinda from Real Austin or Landon from Philadelphia. Wonder what happens when you text D-E-S-P-E-R-A-T-E?


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