She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

He’s not that innocent.

Justin Timberlake swears you’ll never see him engaging in acts of drug use or excessive drinking. Refreshing? Perhaps. But unlikely nonetheless, especially when the singer himself has recently provided confirmation of his indulgence in such activities to British magazine Observer Music Monthly, according to a story on

"The drugs I do have been in my own private time. I've never been arrested... though that's not to say I won't. I get plastered, I've done my fair share of drugs and I've been caught with my pants down. I just make sure there are no cameras around," Justin reportedly bragged to the magazine.

But for those of you worrying that Justin’s dabbling may become detrimental, he insists there’s no cause for concern.

"They always say too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. I try to live my life in a well-rounded manner. We all make mistakes. I've done too many drugs already. I've already inhaled and already - who knows?" he explained, unclearly enough to make his answer seem suspicious. You know, you think about it, sometimes people just destined, destined to do what they do. And that's what it is.


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