She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Dieter's debut.

Not satisfied with launching his own charity and spending the last several months inexplicably making public appearances with ex-girlfriend Jessica, Laguna Beach’s Dieter Schmitz, like Lauren, Kristin and (recently) Casey, has been bitten by the acting bug. If you want to call it that. A posting on Dieter’s myspace page ( reveals that he’s already got two movies in post-production. In Aces, a weak attempt to cash in on America’s fascination with poker and gambling, he plays "Preppy Young Man" (way to go there, Dieter). And in The Champagne Gang, coincidentally backed by the same producer as Aces, Dieter stretches to play "Skater Dude." What, Trey wasn’t available?


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