She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Suite Paris.

Paris Hilton, proving once again that she’s incapable of doing anything original (e.g., her role in the remake of House of Wax, her upcoming cover of Rod Stewart’s Do Ya Think I’m Sexy?, etc.) has announced that, like sister Nicky, she plans to launch her own, signature hotel chain. A report in the SF Gate Daily Dish ( says that Paris’ first property will be located in Las Vegas, Nevada, on the coast opposite of Nicky’s South Beach bungalow.

"It's going to be lots of fun. My hotels will be like (London hotel) the Sanderson -- a bit more extravagant, but cool. The first one will be in Las Vegas. I love poker and blackjack. And I always win -- I've played it since I was 12, when I won $15,000," Paris said about her good fortune and her latest gamble. Both of which are full of crap(s).


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