She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Monday, July 17, 2006

All the cameras come out for a public affair…

As if it wasn’t bad enough to have America watching—and critiquing—his every move on Newlyweds comes word that one special fan of Nick Lachey’s may have been paying him some even more extra-special attention over the course of the last several months. The fan in question? Joe Simpson, father of Nick’s now ex-wife Jessica. The New York Daily News claims that Joe watched Nick closely over the course of Nick and Jessica’s separation, paying particular notice to a night when he, new gal pal Vanessa Minnillo and Jess’s former assistant CaCee Cobb were all in attendance at the same nightclub.

"Joe called the club people after hearing Nick was there and demanded to see the security videotape," an insider dished. "Joe was looking to incriminate Nick. He told the club, 'If you ever want to see my daughter there, you'll give me what I want.'" Despite his threat, the club refused to cooperate.

Representatives for the Simpsons claim the story is untrue. Much like the notion that Jessica will ever find another man who will put up with Joe the way Nick did.


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