She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Where there’s a will, there’s no pay.

Donna Martin’s only worth about a million.

Or so the New York Daily News is claiming. Tori Spelling, daughter of super-producer Aaron, stands to only inherit slightly less than $1 million dollars of his fortune, according to US Weekly Magazine. Aaron’s holdings, it’s worth noting, were estimated at over $500 million at the time of his death in June.

"I'm moving on with my life," Tori reportedly said about her inheritance (or lack thereof) when spotted shopping at a pawnshop, husband Dean McDermott in tow. "I'm just focusing on starting a loving and healthy family with Dean."

Whom I somehow doubt shares Tori’s same level of enthusiasm about their life together, given some are whispering that the couple "doesn't have enough money to buy an apartment, let alone a house." What, no room as the Walsh house?


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