She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


While Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz have put their acting skills to the test the last few weeks, working hard to convince everyone that they're still crazy in love, others believe that the magic between them is Gone. An insider who tattled to Janet Charlton’s Hollywood column ( continues to insist that Justin did indeed attempt to break up with Cameron before heading to Europe for the start of his tour, but was unable to say Bye Bye Bye.

"Cameron FREAKED. She won't let go. She had a wedding to go to in Europe and HAD to have an escort. Justin doesn't want a nasty split - he doesn't know what to do. He really cares for Cameron and can't stand to hurt her, so he went along," the source claims. "He still wants to be free for his tour but he's like a little boy and Cameron is determined to have it HER way. She refuses to cut him loose. Justin had really hoped to start his tour a free man with a clear conscience. If she starts paying him surprise visits on the road, he won't be happy."

Cameron is also reportedly uneasy about the opening act for Justin’s European gig – Promiscuous singer Nelly Furtado, whose recent video Justin makes a cameo in. Pop!


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