She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Oh no, she didn’t.

Rumors are flying that not everyone is happy about supposed-new couple Nicole Richie and Steve-O. And no, I’m not talking about Lionel, Nicole’s father (although if I were him, I think I’d be a bit concerned), but The Real World Las Vegas’s Trishelle Cannatella. A recent posting on claims that Sleaze-O and Trashelle were a pair before Nicole and DJ AM ended their engagement and Nicole became available. And the de-coupling of two of MTV’s skankiest characters came as a surprise to at least one of the two involved in the relationship itself - seems Trishelle is devastated that she's been dumped by yet another reality star (A la Steven? And the Miz?).

This is what happens when people stop being polite. And start being real.


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