She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Ask her if she wants to stay awhile.

Jessica Simpson is sharing sweet kisses with Adam Levine, lead singer of the band Maroon 5. This hook up has been rumored to be going on for quite some time, much to the dismay of Jessica’s camp, all of whom are working furiously to protect what’s left of her public persona and popularity from the Newlyweds days. In today’s New York Post Page Six, a source claims to have seen Jess slip away from whatever she was doing at Hollywood’s Chateau Marmont to Adam’s room, not to be seen again until the following morning when she was picked up by pretend assistant CaCee Cobb. And despite the many pictures that have surfaced, showing Jess doing the walk of shame in her clothes from the previous evening with leaving the hotel, her camp continues to deny that she and Adam are making any beautiful music together.

Papa Joe must be fuming. But isn’t this the sort of behavior that you always hear minister’s daughters are taking part in? Staying out all night, breaking all the rules…I bet now that Jessica’s walking on the wild side, he’s regretting not keeping things at 98 Degrees.


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