She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Thursday, August 03, 2006


American Idol’s Katharine McPhee literally cannot catch a break.

After being absent for the start of the Idols Live tour, the New York Post’s Starr Report reveals that Kat suffered a misstep on Tuesday night, fracturing her left foot backstage at Bobcats Arena in Charlotte, North Carolina. Fortunately for fans who Idolize her, Katharine still managed to make it on stage and perform two songs for the crowd before being shuttled to a local hospital for x-rays.

"She's in discomfort, but she's fine," Roger Widynowski, a representative for RCA, the label for whom many of the Idols are now signed, said. "She will continue on the tour and is not defaulting."

Lucky break for us.


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