She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Shanna goes fan-atic.

Shanna Moakler, whom husband Travis Barker claimed was an "amazing actress" in the opening credits of their MTV reality show Meet the Barkers, did a bang-up job of acting like a jealous wife at Hollywood night club Privilege recently, says the New York Post’s Page Six. The two were both spotted hanging out at the hot spot, but partying separately, or at least until Shanna witnessed Travis having his picture taken with a pretty female fan. Never one to shy away from the camera, as evidenced by her various Playboy pictorials, Shanna reportedly interrupted the photo op, tossed her drink at the woman, then threw the glass at Travis. When asked about the incident, Travis’s representative Dvora Vener stated, "No comment." Well, I guess this is growing up.


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