She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Is Lance still likin’ Reichen?

Is Lance Bass ready to say Bye, Bye, Bye to boyfriend Reichen Lehmkuhl just days after publicly coming out to the world? Page Six of the New York Post claims that despite his recent statements about their stable relationship, Lance has grown tired of Reichen’s controlling temperament.

"Reichen forced Lance to come out just at the same time he has a book coming out (Here's What We'll Say) so he could ride the publicity wave," a source tattled to Page Six. "He is a big gay activist and very controlling. He wants Lance to give up his straight friends and do whatever he tells him to."

Not quite the same story Lance shared with People Magazine last week, where he cited ongoing rumors about his sexuality as the main reason he chose to come clean. When questioned about the rumor that it was Reichen who engineered Lance’s coming out, a representative for the singer said, "Lance couldn't be happier with the overwhelming reaction he's getting from all over the world." Or maybe he’s just N’Shock.


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