She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Another Ashlee Simpson show?

MSNBC’s The Scoop claims that Ashlee Simpson, who not so long ago was caught lip-synching on Saturday Night Live, has been approached about taking on the role of Roxie Hart in the musical Chicago. Us Weekly Magazine says the younger Simpson also has her choice of locations and could either join the Broadway cast or the one located in London.

"She will probably choose London," an insider tattled to Us. Smart move, Ashlee, putting an ocean’s distance between you and your creepy father. Representatives for the production, though, aren’t as definitive about Ashlee’s inclination.

"There is no confirmation at this time," a spokesperson for Chicago said, neither confirming or denying Ashlee’s potential role. Where’s the L-O-, L-O-, L-O-V-E?


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