She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Like so many others in the industry, musician and Rock Star host Dave Navarro wasn’t dazzled by Kevin Federline’s debut performance at Sunday night’s Teen Choice Awards, says a report on

"I'll tell you what blew me away about it - he had acrobatics and fire and all this stuff going on - all these people that are very, very talented around him. So, I guess that works. I mean, it was a spectacle to say the least. I was not impressed, I was not blown away," the soon-to-be-ex of Carmen Electra opined during an appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel Show. When asked if K-Fed would make the cut on his own reality series, Dave said, "He'd be packing his bags! Sorry, dude!" Funny, isn’t a Supernova really just an explosion that results from the death of a pseudo-star? Sounds like Kevin would be a perfect fit.


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