She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Pulp friction.

A report on claims that John Travolta, widely reported to be the reason behind Jennifer Lopez’s decision to abruptly drop out of the big screen version of Dallas, was somewhat relieved himself that J-Lo decided to go.

"From the moment Jennifer’s name was attached, Travolta went ballistic," a source told The Daily Mail. "It’s been said that Jennifer didn’t like the script but the truth is John doesn’t rate her as an actress and quite simply felt she was not up to part of Sue Ellen."

Because playing the long-suffering, alcoholic wife of a pompous, wealthy oil executive would have been too much of a stretch? More than John himself cross-dressing to play larger-than-life Edna Turnblad in the remake of Hairspray?


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