She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Lindsay Lo’ just can’t go.

Brandon Davis isn’t the only one who doesn’t seem to care for Lindsay Lohan.

A report on Entertainmentwise ( claims that Justin Timberlake has banned the hard-partying actress from an appearance he’ll be making at the House of Blues in Los Angeles this weekend. Justin is scheduled to perform some of the songs that will be included on his soon-to-be-released FutureSex/Love Sounds album and both he and his management don’t want an unpredictable Lindsay anywhere near the venue.

"Justin’s gig will be packed with Hollywood A-listers and a lot of important names in music," an insider told British publication The Sun. "The last thing the label want is Lindsay getting hammered and making a spectacle of herself, taking attention away from Justin and his new album."

Go ‘head, be gone with it. Or her, as the case may be.


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