She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Those are the goods.

It was not my intention to double-up on helpings of Ashley Parker Angel over the last few days, but after finally getting a chance to watch episode number two of There and Back, I simply cannot resist. For those of you who might have (inexplicably) missed it, here’s what we learned about Ashley this week:

Ashley continues to be bad managing money. “Bad contracts” made his O-Town earnings disappear years ago. His “savings” were wiped out in the months he spent focusing on making his solo record instead of working a paying job. And now the $10,000 advance he received in last week’s episode is almost gone, with just enough left over to cover the first month’s rent for the house he, Tiffany and (strangely) her mother just moved into. I’d say it’s safe to assume a back-up career in bookkeeping is not in Ashley’s future.

Ashley has some trouble making decisions. This results in an excessive amount of his and Tiff’s belongings being moved into the garage instead of inside the house and multiple phone calls/pleas for help at the grocery store for assistance regarding picking tomatoes, potatoes, corn and cookie dough, as well as visible confusion when faced with an inoperative, motion-triggered door.

Ashley thinks he’s “terrible at confrontation.” Which he is, since he clearly doesn’t really understand the not-so-subtle difference between “confronting” someone and “complaining” to someone, the latter of which he does to his producers at Soul Power Productions. This results in the end of their professional relationship which, I might add, doesn’t appear to shake, rattle or roll Soul and company. You tell ‘em, Ash!

Ashley’s not quite what you’d call “handy.” At all. Under the impression that he’s just there to help, poor ex-band mate Jacob makes another appearance to work with Ashley, building a toy chest, from scratch, for his unborn child. And, by “help,” I mean draft the design, measure, cut and sand the wood, assemble to pieces together and paint the finished product. Ashley did, though, provide a pencil for Jacob to use and offer to make some “really good Garden burgers,” to which Jacob replied, “I’m not down with that stuff.”

Keep your fingers crossed for baby Angel.


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