She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Kevin could care less.

MTV News reports that Kevin Federline doesn’t care what you think about him. Which is a good thing, given most people don’t seem to think much. In his recent interview, Kevin states, "The more I talk, the more I come out and people get to know who I am and what I'm about, it's only gonna help. And if you don't like me, hey, cool. Everything in life is 50/50, I accept the good and the bad and just move on."

Yes, Kevin, you sure do – first, you moved on from Shar and your two children with her and, reportedly, you “move on” from Britney and new baby boy Sean on a fairly regular basis. It’s good to back up your words with your actions. Very admirable.

Equally admirable, or just plain stupid, depending on how you look at it, is Kevin’s “choice” to work with some relatively unfamiliar producers for his still-pending-a-record-label album. After all, K-Fed wouldn’t want to appear as if he can’t become a superstar on his own, without capitalizing on the resources at the disposal of wife Britney, all of whom I’m sure were just itching for the chance to work with him. No, no…wouldn’t want to do that and put your credibility in question. Kevin says, "I don't want to go that route. It's not that I don't respect those people. I'd love to [work with them] and I'm sure one day I will end up working with a bunch of big producers, but right now I want people to know I did this. The people coming out with me are new people. I'm trying to bring a new scenario to the game. They'll have to respect me more for doing this."

Right. I hear that Disco D and Notes, some of the Fedster’s producing pals, are just about to blow up. I mean, Disco D’s the one behind the classic album A Night at the Booty Bar, which perhaps helped given Kevin the inspiration he needed to pen his recent single PopoZao. Of course, Kevin’s desire to break in the music scene on his own didn’t stop him from collaborating with Britney on a few other choice tracks, none of which have been released. When asked why, Kevin claims, "I think people need to get to know me a little bit more, and that way when we do something, people will respect it that much more."

That’s my prerogative.


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