She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Paging Trevor Penick.

“Dan comes over today!” Ashley announces at the start of last night’s There and Back. Hmm, was Jacob unavailable for Ashley’s latest home improvement project? While this might be the case, it’s not the reason for former O-Town band mate Dan Miller’s visit. Seems Dan is in town to perform in a “Boys of Summer” concert, one that also includes Jordan Knight of New Kids on the Block and Jeff Timmons of 98 Degrees. And why not, as long as he’s around, take this opportunity to hang at Casa Angel? It’s not like he has anything else to do, especially since we later find out that, unbeknownst to Dan, the concert for that evening has been cancelled. Ouch!

Screen freeze! When the concert cancellation revelation is confirmed on the Internet, King-of-the-Obvious Ashley leans in from the background and tells the audience, “This is awkward. We used to sell out our tours and now this? Poor Dan. What do I say? Do I change the subject and compliment his hat? Should we watch more O-Town videos? I don’t know, that might make him feel worse.” Dan clearly shares my opinion that waxing poetic about the glory days of O-Town may not necessarily do the trick, cuts his visit short and leaves soon after.

Ashley returns to reality and remembers he’s still poor. He suggests to Tiffany and her mother that they throw a yard sale for some extra cash. Tiff isn’t a fan of the idea, not wanting to because, as she says, “I don’t want to be sitting outside like a bunch of trailer trash.” Because being an unwed mother dating an ex-boy band member and living in a rented home with him and your mother means your better than that. Obviously. Customer Marilyn makes off with the yard sale’s best find, an unopened, autographed Asian edition of the first O-Town album. Tiff’s mom makes off with a hangover.

$154.50 richer, Ashley heads over to Shep Solomon’s house to meet with producer Tom Meredith. There, he reminds us, the audience, again that he and Tiffany are – gasp! – about to have a baby! Just in case we’ve forgotten.

While Ashley’s off recording, Tiff works on organizing his surprise 24th birthday party. In the midst of her planning, she bursts into tears, stressed at handling the details and stressed over the fact that she’s still pregnant (yet smart enough to know that the audience can probably see that without her spelling it out for us). When her mother tries to comfort her, Tiff claims the baby “hears everything that’s going on and is scared.” Of what? The fact that they announced earlier that he’s going to be named Lyric? Or that his father probably sings him to sleep with Liquid Dreams?

Surprise! No, not Ashley’s silly party, but the guests! Not only has Jacob ventured back to the house of his handiwork, but Erik-Michael Estrada, yet another O-Townie, has risen from obscurity to celebrate the festivities with his boy band buddies, his gal pal Kirsten Storms (Maxie on General Hospital) and, inexplicably, a monkey.

That Tiffany sure knows how to throw a party.


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