She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Win, place, show.

Nick Lachey may be in the midst of a divorce, and endlessly whining about the shape it’s left him in, but that doesn’t seem to be discouraging once-rumored paramour Lizzie Arnold. The buxom former Miss Kentucky, who was seen cavorting with Nick earlier this year, was reportedly throwing herself at him from the Crown Royal Playboy party held the night of the Kentucky Derby, says the New York Daily News.

"Lizzie kept calling Nick from the Playboy party. Lizzie starts calling and texting him. She's leaving loud messages saying, 'I got my t*%s and my nose done for you!’ ...I guess she was mad at Nick. She was like 'I am hot. Why won't you get with me?' But he wasn't responding," a spy tattled to the newspaper.

But Lizzie’s manager Dora Whitaker denies the tale took place, claiming, "Lizzie was with her dad the whole night, and she says it is absolutely false." Nick’s representatives did not reply to messages left about the story, but it’s safe to assume that he didn’t want to spend another day stuck in the shadow of his mistakes…


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