She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Monday, May 15, 2006

The K-Fed fan club.

Shar Jackson, pitifully anxious to keep her name in the spotlight, is weighing in on Britney Spears’ recent announcement regarding her second pregnancy with Shar’s ex Kevin Federline and his skills as a father.

"He's an amazing dad," Shar told People Magazine. "Like when Kori was first born, her whole first year and a half, he was there. I mean, he wouldn't leave her side. He's a good guy, and when he's not with (his kids), it hurts his heart that he misses them so much."

That’s funny…isn’t this the same man who up and left a pregnant Shar, when she was literally weeks away from giving birth to Kal, his second child, to travel around the world with Britney and her Onyx Hotel Tour? I don’t quite remember Shar giving him quite so glowing an endorsement when she gave birth alone and he announced his engagement to Brit.

"He's a goofy guy," Shar said describing Kevin’s interaction with his children. "He loves to play with them. He's swimming with them and chasing 'em and singing songs."

Well, they are only children, not clever or savvy enough to distinguish good music from bad, nor how to innocuously extract themselves from a situation in which they’re forced to listen to their father’s incoherent rapping. Too bad the rest of us can’t be as fortunate.


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