She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Friday, April 14, 2006

What happens in Vegas…

Hopefully really will stay confined to Vegas. Aspiring rapper and neglectful father Kevin Federline continues trying to convince to the public that he has a modicum of musical talent by hosting yet another listening party, this time at Las Vegas’ Pure nightclub next week. On the invite, he threatens, oops, I mean promises, to share tracks from his upcoming album, Playing with Fire. Which is great, because after getting a taste of Kevin’s lyrical stylings from America’s Most Hated, the only single you can currently download from his vulgar myspace page, I’m in a state of awe. Why, just within the first verse of that little ditty, I learned his middle finger’s still up, he doesn’t trust ho’s and his marijuana’s got him heavily sedated, the last description of which really puts the whole his-infant-son-falling-from-the-high-chair incident into perspective. No word on whether Thomas Dolby will be in attendance.


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