She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman. Or a good mother, some might say.

Ubër-parents Britney Spears and Kevin Federline had some explaining to do after rushing 7-month-old Sean Preston to the emergency room this weekend, where he was diagnosed with a minor skull fracture and a blood clot, Star Magazine reports. Seems that baby Sean had fallen (a.k.a., jumped) out of his high chair a few days earlier and was now sleeping just a wee bit more than the norm, setting off alarms when his parents finally noticed how much less this child was awake. Upon this realization, they brought Sean to the hospital, where he was treated and released back into his parents’ attentive arms.

Yet despite the fracture and the clot, baby Sean was still strong enough to will the Department of Children and Family Services to the Spears-Federline Malibu residence the following day. Deputies were dispatched, as per standard procedure in California when an infant is treated at a hospital for a potentially serious injury, to further investigate the cause of the accident. Britney and Kevin have since been cleared of any negligence and the case has been closed. And baby Sean? He’s stronger than yesterday.


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