She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

These are his confessions.

R&B singer Usher will share the secrets of his success with teenagers in Cleveland, Ohio next weekend as part of the Midwest Black/Hispanic Achievers Teen Leadership Summit. He’ll be there to promote careers in the sports and entertainment industries, both of which he has clearly had demonstrated success in. Because we all know that these fields are just so easy break into and extremely practical career paths.

The Leadership Summit draws over 300 midwestern teens together for three days of collaborative sessions focused on education, service learning, leadership and personal development. But don’t think it’s all work and no play – attendees also get the opportunity to bond with each other through events that include bowling or attending a Cleveland Cavaliers basketball game, the team in which is partially owned by Usher himself. Yeah!


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