She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Someone call the coast guard – David Hasselhoff’s soon-to-be-ex wife needs some saving.

A story posted on,,CVPNOrg=full claims that Pamela Bach, estranged spouse of the Knight Rider, has requested a temporary restraining order against her husband. The reason why? Pamela contends that she has been a victim of domestic violence at Hasselhoff’s hands.

While the judge assigned to the case did not grant Pamela’s request, he did order the couple to steer clear of each other for the time being. This could be challenging, though, given the unique custody arrangement in place for their two daughters, where one is living with David and the other with Pamela. And digging deeper into the divorce details, to find out why such unusual allowances are being made, will be difficult – particulars pertaining to the impending divorce are sealed, according to TMZ, partly because they include “mental health records.” I’ll say – the man spent a good portion of his career talking to a car – do you ever really get over that?


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