She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Stronger than yesterday.

The paparazzi is driving Britney Spears crazy. Or so it might appear given a sighting of her on Monday, holding baby Sean Preston, as her bodyguard drove, instead of securely strapping him into his car seat.

The incident in question took place at a Malibu Starbucks, where Britney and one of her bodyguards stopped for a drink. Britney and baby Sean stayed in the car while her companion went inside. While he was gone, and the car parked, Britney held her baby in her lap. It was at this point when nearby photographers reportedly surrounded the car in a somewhat, according to Britney, pushy, forceful manner. When her bodyguard returned to the car, the two drove off, with Britney still holding Sean in plain view of photographers.

When questioned about the incident, and her lack of judgment when it comes to her son’s safety, Britney released the following statement to People Magazine:

"Today I had a horrifying, frightful encounter with the paparazzi while I was with my baby. Because of a recent incident when I was trapped in my car without my baby by a throng of paparazzi, I was terrified that this time the physically aggressive paparazzi would put both me and my baby in danger. I instinctively took measures to get my baby and me out of harm's way, but the paparazzi continued to stalk us, and took photos of us which were sold to the media. I love my child and would do anything to protect him."

Right. Because staying with Kevin Federline will do wonders for this child down the road. Assuming, of course, K-Fed is still there…


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