She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Run, Katie, run.

If Katie Holmes hasn’t panicked about her future as Mrs. Tom Cruise before, she certainly should start to now. According to a report by MSNBC’s The Scoop, Tom allegedly feels that Katie needs to take some significant time off from her career and devote all of her time and energy to their coming attraction, baby TomKitten. Which might sound okay, when it’s phrased in a sincere manner – spend some time out of the spotlight, dedicate yourself to raising your first child together. But it doesn’t sound so idyllic when a source in the upcoming issue of Life and Style Magazine claims Tom has said, “I’ve got Katie tucked away, so no one will get to us until my child is born – and until I want them to.”

“Tucked away?” What? Why? It’s obvious by his behavior over the last year that Tom has a good case of the crazies, but this is even more extreme than the couch-jumping and the exceedingly-uncomfortable pictures of the two of them kissing for photographers. And while I don’t necessarily think that Katie not making movies will be a huge loss (hello, anyone remember Teaching Mrs. Tingle or The Gift?), I wouldn’t banish her to what I’m guessing is some scary scientology compound where there are probably no prescription drugs and Battlefield Earth is shown non-stop.

Representatives for Tom Cruise deny this story entirely. Representatives for Katie Holmes apparently had no comment. Or could not be located. Tucked away, perhaps


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