She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Coming attraction.

Kevin Federline, who left audiences speechless with his performance as a total loser in Britney and Kevin: Chaotic, is coming soon to a theater near you. And not, as you might have expected, to pick up your leftover trash. Mr. Britney Spears, it appears, is now ready to make his big screen debut, for me and for you, according to Kat Giantis’ Hot Gossip (

"I've already been offered a couple of scripts," K-Fed bragged to In Touch Weekly Magazine. "The most interesting one was a role as a drug dealer, starring with Ben Affleck's
brother (Casey) . I was supposed to audition, but I got really sick and couldn't make it."

Bummer for all involved, I’m sure. But perhaps a good thing, as Kevin is undecided as to whether he’s more suited for a dramatic role or a comedic one.

"Sometimes I wake up in a comedic mood, and sometimes I wake up in a serious mood," he clarifies. "With acting, you've got to be able to channel that for three months straight." Which he’s been able to do before – isn’t that about how long it took him to convince Britney he was the one for her?


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