She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Monday, June 19, 2006

More boo boos for Britney.

Matt Lauer and the staff from Dateline found it to be a bit Outrageous when they arrived at Britney Spears’ Malibu mansion last week and discovered her sans publicists, according to a report in Page Six of the New York Post.

"Neither of her publicists, Leslie Sloane Zelnick or Nanci Ryder, showed up," Page Six’s source tattled. "When [the NBC crew] got there, they thought they had the wrong day . . . During the interview, no one was there to rein things in."

Which is something Britney clearly could have used…and not just to prevent her from practically falling out of her ill-fitting tank top and mini skirt. In addition to selecting her own wardrobe, Britney also insisted on (start air quote) styling (end air quote) her own hair and (start air quote) doing (end air quote) her own make up, although neither apparently involved using a brush or glancing in a mirror to be sure she’d evenly applied her mascara. When asked why Britney was left unattended, Leslie Sloane Zelnick said, "Britney is a grown-up and makes her own decisions." Or, as is the more popular belief, oops, she did it again.


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