She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Mad hatter.

Trey Phillips, the Laguna Beach cast member who inexplicably managed to score himself an actual fashion show—for his hats—during one episode in the first season, has launched his own, official website –

For those of you who watched closely, Trey wrangled buddies LC, Lo, Dieter, Morgan and Polster, among others, to model his oversized, graffiti-esque baseball caps for the benefit of Active Young America (AYA), a non-profit organization he started in the LB. How these hats help empower the youth of the world, I’m not quite sure. But Trey sure seemed to think he was making a difference back then and certainly still does now, based on the serious tone of his website. In his mission statement, Trey informs visitors that there are a lot of problems here in America (very observant), but that they aren’t beyond resolution—it’s our culture that can solve them. How exactly, you might wonder? Through expression, Trey believes. More specifically, expression through his custom-designed caps and new line of sunglasses. His future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades.


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