She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Flavor of Love is actually just tasteless.

Are you looking for a man with gold teeth and a big clock? If so, now’s your chance. While there hasn’t been an official announcement from VH1, a posting on says everyone’s favorite Public Enemy, the infamous Flavor Flav, will be back for a second season of Flavor of Love (didn’t he just pick Hoopz over skanky New York on Sunday night?). Those interested in competing against approximately twenty other women, who will most likely be given goofy and potentially offensive nicknames (e.g., Miss Latin, Red Oyster, Applez), can send their name, phone number and picture to be considered. And while not everyone can win Flav’s heart, the lucky few who are cast will get $100 a day, plus meals and a place to stay in exchange for losing their pride, dignity and, probably, self-respect.


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