She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Monday, February 27, 2006

I’ll be there for you…until it suits me to sell you out instead.

Seems Jennifer Aniston has got friends in low places.

Lloyd Groves’ Lowdown column in the New York Daily News reveals that everyone’s favorite friend is the veiled subject of a new paperback book by never-before-heard-of actress Nancy Balbirer called The Underminer: Or, the Best Friend Who Casually Destroys Your Life. Nancy shared excerpts and tales about her “underminer,” reportedly Jennifer, but referred to as “Jane,” in front of a captive audience at an event held at a New York bar over the weekend.

Nancy claims that she and the ex-Mrs.-Brad-Pitt met at an audition for Saturday Night Live, soon after which she began living with Nancy, in her apartment, on a rent-free basis. “Jane”/Jennifer continued to audition, as well as, Nancy says, obsess over her appearance, particularly her nose and her figure. She eventually moved to Los Angeles, lost some substantial weight, had a rhinoplasty and some liposuction, Nancy alleges, then landed the role that made her famous.

The two ex-roomies would cross paths again shortly thereafter. Nancy says she was soon hired for a recurring role on “Jane’s”/Jen’s sitcom, a role from which she was mysteriously fired, but still paid for regardless. Years later, Nancy said she discovered the reason why when a producer pal told her she’d been let go at the request of “Jane”/Jen. They haven’t spoken since.

When Stephen Huvane, Jennifer’s publicist, was asked to comment, he said, “Jennifer does know this woman Nancy, and she did live with her for a little bit, but did not live rent-free. They were never close friends — it was not that kind of relationship." He also firmly denied Nancy’s accusations related to plastic surgery and her supposed firing from Friends. Of the incident, Huvane said, “The girl did try out for a role on 'Friends,' but the girl just didn't get it. The cast doesn't get involved in casting — especially the first year. She just sounds like an opportunist who's using Jennifer to get attention. This is mean-spirited."

Mean-spirited, maybe, but the tale has gotten the attention of Management 360, a production company backed by Warner Brothers…and new Jennifer Aniston boyfriend Vince Vaughn. Can anyone say Derailed?


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