She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

If this is what he wants and it's what she wants, then why's there so much pain?

Shanna Moakler, clearly looking to stretch out her 15 minutes of fame now that her Meet the Barkers marriage is dunzo, posted the following message on her myspace page ( earlier this week (note to Shanna – now that you have some more free time on your hands, this may be a good opportunity to invest in a dictionary or Spellcheck software):

For the record....
Current mood: disappointed
I can only say thank you to all those who have sent such touching letters, well wishes and prayers. i am very devestated and very much heartbroken over the demise of my marriage and for the upset of my family....I wanted nothing more to overcome the challenges we faced but failed. i truly believe that everything happens for a reason and i have complete faith in the heavens....i can honestly say i have been truly blessed with great family and friends and of course my children who are the main focus of my concern. I still very much believe in the power of love...i look back with no regrets and feel blessed for my experience and look forward with an open mind....i am very sad but it is remarkable to see the outpouring of support i have been offered...again thank you for all your letters and kind words. in this time please know i do read your letters but i am sorry if i cant respond.shannaxoxo

And who are those sending the touching letters, well wishes and prayers? If Shanna’s listing of friends is up to date, they could include ex-Playboy Playmate and Growing Pains babysitter Julie McCullough, porn princess Jenna Jameson, Girls Next Door’s Kendra Wilkinson and Holly Madison and My Fair Brady bride Adrianne Curry. Good to know that Shanna’s so, ahem, well-supported.


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