She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Hooray, hooray for Dr. Rey!

A story on reveals that plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Rey, better known as E!’s Dr. 90210, was instrumental in pacifying an unruly passenger aboard American Airlines flight 427, en route to Los Angeles from Austin.

An elderly gentleman reportedly became disruptive as the plane began its descent, making a run for the main cabin and scuffling with a flight attendant who tried to stop him. Upon witnessing the mayhem, Dr. Rey, a karate connoisseur in addition to being a skilled, somewhat self-righteous surgeon, jumped into action and, with the help of a fellow passenger, was able to prevent the man from crashing the cabin. Together, the two took the 80-year-old man down. Yes, the 80-year-old man. When the plane landed, airport police escorted the man to Harbor General Hospital where he has been placed under psychiatric watch. A True Hollywood Story.


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