She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

War games.

Think that between Britney Spears and Kevin Federline that she’s the worst parent? Think again. While his wife spent part of her Valentine’s Day yesterday visiting an urgent care clinic in Malibu, Kevin spent the day with his buddies and their guns. Not the working out guns, but the actual, dangerous, Dick Cheney-like guns. A report on claims that K-Fed and at least six others spent several hours (yes, hours) yesterday outside a residential Studio City apartment complex, where they shot off air guns filled with what appeared to be rubber capsules. And, since in this sport Kevin’s aim isn’t as quite what it seems to have been in the bedroom, he and his funky bunch managed to hit both nearby cars and buildings in addition to their supposedly-intended targets (no confirmation as to what these targets actually were), despite visibly irritated residents who live in the complex that was under siege.

The best part of this story? The Fedster and friends were also dressed to kill, complete with fatigues, camouflage and some even wearing masks. Because, you know, it would be bad to call attention to yourself in times of battle. Good thing Kevin was kept under cover by wearing a beanie.


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