She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

From believer to McPheever.

What do American Idol’s Katharine McPhee and Tom Cruise have in common? On the surface, it doesn’t appear to be too much, except potentially an affinity for Dawson’s Creek. But dig a little deeper, according to Star Magazine, and you also may find a mutual admiration for the Church of Scientology. Celebrity, the magazine published by the Church's Los Angeles-area Celebrity Centre International, claims an individual named Katharine McPhee, the very same name of the contestant who landed herself in the bottom three last night, has recently completed two of the courses offered by the Church – the Purification Rundown Procedure and Overcoming Ups and Downs in Life module.

Could this be true? It’s certainly hard to disregard, given national records show there is only one individual with the name Katharine McPhee in the United States. And, in addition to that, said Katharine McPhee lives in Sherman Oaks, a suburb of Los Angeles close to where the American Idol contestant currently resides. Will we soon hear her singing the praises of L. Ron Hubbard instead of Stevie Wonder?

When questioned about it, a family friend issued the following denial at Katharine’s request: "Katharine says she is not a Scientologist." But neither the representative, nor Katharine, conveniently say if she was a Scientologist in the past. Funny…I guess McPheever makes you McForget.


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