She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Rudy blows.

According to Bossip (, Keisha Knight Pulliam, the actress who played Rudy Huxtable on The Cosby Show, reportedly has a cocaine addiction dating back to her days as a student at Spelman College. Sources told Bossip that as a freshman, Keisha was "round and plumpy," and used the drug not only for its feel-good effects, but to help her lose weight (too many Jello Pudding Pops, perhaps?).

"Cocaine was the drug of choice to lose weight for the elite group of girls at Spelman," another of Bossip’s handy sources told them regarding the popularity of the drug.

And Keisha’s alleged cocaine habit, by some accounts, didn’t stop there. Others who claimed to be knowledgeable about her post-Cosby activities say that the actress was actually part of a clique of Morehouse and Spelman students whose experimentation with the drug has continued past her college years.

"Keisha still does coke and it is widely known by her friends, it’s not a secret," says yet another unnamed source who claims to have the inside scoop on Keisha’s habits since graduation. It’s A Different World, that’s for sure.


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