She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

No deal for Biel.

Looks like another filly has bolted from the troubled ranch that is Southfork. The National Enquirer reports that Jessica Biel, who was loosely attached to the role of Pamela Ewing in the big-screen remake of Dallas, is no longer affiliated with the production.

"At first, producers were keen to cast Jessica to play opposite Luke Wilson as J.R.'s younger brother Bobby," a source divulged to the tabloid.

But representatives for the 7th Heaven actress, according to the Enquirer, say that Jessica turned the part down, despite conflicting reports that claim Dallas producers were the ones who did the deed.

"They decided to screen-test some unknowns for the part," an insider revealed, refuting Jessica’s version of how she managed to extricate herself from this Texas tragedy. Isn’t she the Illusionist.


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