She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Stars may be blind, but the LAPD are not.

Early Thursday morning, officers arrested Paris Hilton after she was spotted driving erratically in Hollywood, reports. The heiress, who was toting passenger Kimberley Stewart, was given a field sobriety test after officers on the scene determined she was showing signs of intoxication (why else would she willingly hang out with Kimberley, after all?). When Paris blew a blood alcohol level of .08, the minimum for a DUI charge in the state of California, she was placed under arrest and booked. Paris was released a short time later, but not before sister Nicky, Nicky’s boyfriend Kevin Connolly and her own publicist Elliot Mintz, who claimed Paris only had one drink – a margarita earlier in the evening amidst appearances at a charity event, a party feted by Us Weekly magazine and at an unspecified nightclub -were summoned to the police station. Must have been one hell of a margarita.

When stalked by TMZ upon her release, Paris said, regarding the incident, that she “regrets it occurred” (I bet). She also reminded TMZ, who had actually been shooting footage of Paris earlier in the day, that she had been awake for the last 24 hours, working on a new music video, the schedule for which was so demanding that she was unable to eat or relax all day. The Simple Life indeed.


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