She Likes to Eat the Dirt

Hey, you did it. I'm just mocking it.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

No Xposure.

Think married life for Christina Aguilera is as Dirrty as she once sang?

It appears we’ll never know. A report on the SF Gate Daily Dish ( claims that the singer and her husband of less than a year, music executive Jordan Bratman, are regularly asked by television networks to participate in their own reality series.

"We've been approached, actually, and it has been a question for some people, but my marriage and my relationship with my husband is something that I really want to protect," the singer said in an interview with MTV News when questioned about the possibility. Quite a change from her Stripped years, where Xtina bragged about her sexuality to just about anyone who would listen and was often photographed in classy leather chaps or wearing nothing in all.

"It's a whole different ballgame, I feel, when you do open yourself up to that whole thing, and it must be difficult," Christina commented regarding the wave reality programming many of her peers in the music industry have participated in. "You're open to all the judgment in the world. At least now I can say, 'Well, you don't know my situation and it's very private and special and sacred to me.'" Beautiful.


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